Friday, December 30, 2011

*Bakmi CisPrut ala Chef*

Video Bakmi CisPrut

Melirik Potensi Kebun Percobaan Singamerta

Senja di KP

Ladang Pastura tropik

Integrated Test Farm 

"Menginjak di Kampung Sampireun"

Simbol Selamat Datang

Rakit-rakitnya tamu

Gubug Penginapan

Kolam Ikan

Thursday, December 15, 2011

menungso sing nguwoso yow menungso podho

ra usah wedi karo menungso kang nguwoso
sejatine menungso mung sadermo
tinilek uripe yow podho
luwe wareg miganthung sego
ugo uripe ora keno disemoyo
po meneh mungggah mudhune migantung mangso
kuwi lho sejatine menungso kang nguwoso

mongso munggah menungso ombo
mongso mudhun menungso cuwo
yow kuwi kuwosone menungso
mung miganthung mongso2

menungso nguwoso yow mesthi enek duso
ora enek sing rumangso dadi dewo

kawulane ugo sak dermo
ra wedi marang sliro (sing nguwoso)
kuwi titene wong kang duwe rego
lamun ana akehe perkoro
tetep nyebut dening maha kuwoso

kaserat ing serang 15 desember 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Niteni Arikalane Kuwoso

elingono arikalane kuwoso
opo2 serbo biso
mrintah iso mingkemke perkoro
lelaku opo2 bakal pirso kawulo
kawulone sejati mung wong biaso
nanging isih ngerti sing duso2
mulo kui kawulo enggal ngedoh duso
ananging durung biso
mung mesem sing iso

elingono arikalane kuwoso
ojo sok ngandalke kuwoso
mergo kuwoso mung sawentoro
lelakumu bakal keserat sopo2
becik ketithik ala ketoro

elingono arikalane kuwoso
raja sing nguwoso ora seneng gae boso
opo2 di gae tanpo busono
mrintahno, ngungahno, ngawonno
kabeh ora nganggo mustoko
yoh,  mergo nalika iku isih joyo

hey elingono nalika miskin papa
ora ono sing njawil po negur sopo
lelakune arikolo mguwoso
kabales dening kawulo
lamun ora biso
ning akhirot bakal ciloko
hm,,, rasakno

kaserat ing Serang 8-9 desember 2011

Friday, November 25, 2011

Inilah Solusi menyediakan sumber pangan Rumah tangga di lahan yang sempit

Salam bertumbuh,
              Kali ini saya mencoba menawarkan solusi praktis kepada agan2 tentang cara bercocok tanam di lahan yang sempit. Ada banyak model praktis bagi agan2 yang punya hobi bercocok tanam di rumah namun hanya memiliki lahan pekarangan yang sempit, bisa membikin pot2 untuk tempat bertumbuhnya tanaman agan, dengan memanfaatkan barang2 bekas disekitar rumah, atau barang yang dirasa mengganggu pemandangan dan jatuhnya pasti masuk pasar loak, ^^d
Lebih lanjut mending langsung aja kita ke TKP gan!!!,...

1. ini cocok untuk agan2 yang pingin punya kolam kecil di samping kanan kiri depan belakang rumah agan,  hehe.....

2. ini untuk agan2 yang pingin melihara ayam, atau jenis unggas2 lain dengan modal yang minim

3. ini untuk agan2 yang pingin nanem tanaman pangan atau tanaman obat keluarga

    model Rak Tanam

    Rak yang dikelompokkan padu
    Model sembarangan  

    kombinasi Rak & gantungan
    Model pot sederhana

    Model Taman sederhana

sekian dulu shared ane gan,.. info lebih lanjut bisa lewat PM,  semoga bermanfaat, daah,... Salam bertumbuh dengan hati, ^^d

Thursday, November 24, 2011

inilah PNS dari kacamataku

ketika itu aku belum tahu sesuatu
waktu, ku seru dengan hal2 yang tak tentu
sehingga cepat berlalu
hal itu ku petik tiap aku menunggu
menunggu dengan sesuatu yang tak tentu
ya itulah CPNS waktu itu

kini aku sudah tahu
sejarah itu tidak merekam sesuatu
kan kupacu diriku
sampai waktu emas itu datang padaku

Monday, November 14, 2011

Do Schools Kill Creativity?

"If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original."


Sir Ken Robinson, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in the development of education, creativity and innovation.  He is also one of the world’s leading speakers with a profound impact on audiences everywhere.  The videos of his famous 2006 and 2010 talks to the prestigious TED Conference have been seen by an estimated 200 million people in over 150 countries.
He works with governments in Europe, Asia and the USA, with international agencies, Fortune 500 companies and some of the world’s leading cultural organizations. In 1998, he led a national commission on creativity, education and the economy for the UK Government. All Our Futures: Creativity, Culture and Education (The Robinson Report) was published to wide acclaim in 1999. He was the central figure in developing a strategy for creative and economic development as part of the Peace Process in Northern Ireland, working with the ministers for training, education enterprise and culture. The resulting blueprint for change, Unlocking Creativity, was adopted by politicians of all parties and by business, education and cultural leaders across the Province. He was one of four international advisors to the Singapore Government for its strategy to become the creative hub of South East Asia.
For twelve years, he was professor of education at the University of Warwick in the UK and is now professor emeritus. He has received honorary degrees from the Rhode Island School of Design, Ringling College of Arts and Design, the Open University and the Central School of Speech and Drama, Birmingham City University and the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts. He was been honored with the Athena Award of the Rhode Island School of Design for services to the arts and education; the Peabody Medal for contributions to the arts and culture in the United States, the LEGO Prize for international achievement in education, and the Benjamin Franklin Medal of the Royal Society of Arts for outstanding contributions to cultural relations between the United Kingdom and the United States. In 2005, he was named as one of Time/Fortune/CNN’s ‘Principal Voices’. In 2003, he received a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II for his services to the arts. He speaks to audiences throughout the world on the creative challenges facing business and education in the new global economies.
His book The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything (Penguin/Viking 2009) is a New York Times best seller and has been translated into twenty-one languages. His latest book is a 10th anniversary edition of his classic work on creativity and innovation, Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative (Capstone/Wiley).  Sir Ken was born in Liverpool, UK, as one of seven children. He is married to Therese (Lady) Robinson. They have two children, James and Kate, and now live in Los Angeles, California. (

Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Idul Qurban 1432 H"

AllohuAkbar x3
AllohuAkbar wa lillahilhamd.

Mari Kita Niatkan Bersama-sama

Gotong Royong juga berqurban

Lets Shared & Be Happy



Saturday, October 22, 2011

17 Good Habits For A Successful Life

I feel strongly that these are good habits that everyone should adopt to be more successful.
Students go to school to get an education for a better, more prosperous life.  However, many of the habits needed to truly be successful are learned outside the classroom.  Developing good habits that will help individuals of all ages succeed can never start too early.  These routines will help us create success for the rest of our lives.  They are the tools we need to live life to the fullest!

Good habits everyone needs for success!

This list of good habits will serve you well whether you are a parent, student, entrepreneur or just a regular person.  Learning these habits now will help everyone get ahead in life.

1.  Get on a good schedule.

We need structure and routine in our lives.  Our bodies expect it.  They perform best when we operate on a regular schedule.  We especially need to eat and sleep about the same time each day.  If you are the parent of a young child, it is your job to teach this habit early.  This routine stays with a person their whole life and helps them to develop good work habits.  Find a schedule that works for you and stick to it!

2.  Eat a healthy diet.

Our brains need the right food to perform at their peak.  Don’t go to school on an empty stomach.  Students need to train themselves early to eat a balanced and healthy diet.  We tend to carry the habits we learn when we are young forward with us for most of our lives.  Learning to eat right now can avoid many health issues down the road.

3.  Learn to exercise.

We need physical activity to stay healthy.  The benefits of regular exercise are well documented.  We need to find exercise routines that are fun and match our individual tastes.  Developing a good exercise routine is a habit that will increase both the quantity and quality of your life.

4.  Practice gratitude.
It is so easy to get in the bad habit of envying what others have.  The grass often seems greener on the other side of the fence.  It is vitally important to learn gratitude.  Practice thinking about the things you have to be thankful about.  I do this with my daughter each evening when I put her to bed.  I ask her to recall the good things that happened that day.  We then take a few minutes and give thanks for those things.  This helps us both to train ourselves to be grateful.

5.  Develop good study habits.

Studying effectively is a skill.  People that live life to the fullest are lifelong learners.  They never stop trying new things.  One needs to study and gather new knowledge in an effective and efficient manner.  Learning how to study and acquire the knowledge to succeed doesn’t just occur naturally.  It needs to be taught.  Take a study skills course or ask others for tips on improving your study habits.

6.  Never give up!

I remember being told in school that, “Winners never quit and quitters never win.”  I think this is a Vince Lombardi quote and it is certainly true.  It takes perseverance in life to enjoy any kind of success.  I also remember hearing, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”  These sayings come back to me time and again when I feel like giving up.  Perseverance is a habit.  It is one that can be developed just like any other.

7.  Manage money wisely.

Why don’t they teach a good personal finance class in school?  Students need to learn to earn, save, budget, track, and wisely spend money to be successful in life.  Good money habits can never start too early.  There are a lot of good resources out there to help.  I recommend taking a look at what Dave Ramsey has to offer for various ages.  Of course, you can also find a lot of fantastic money tips reading blogs!

8.  Respect the environment.

It seems to be hip to be “green”, but being a good steward of our environment is really not that new.  Wise parents have been teaching these principles to their children for ages.  We only have this one world and we depend on it for our survival.  Every person needs to do their part to protect what we have.  Develop habits now that will help you to be a good environmental citizen for a lifetime!

9.  Strive for excellence!

Why do a job if you aren’t going to do it right?  We need to develop the habit of giving every task our best effort.  Excellence should be the standard we strive for in all we do.  We can’t start letting ourselves or our children do the least possible to get by.  If we do, then they are going to receive less than the best results from their work.  Teaching excellence now will ensure habits for success will carry forward.

10.  Live the Golden Rule.

“Do unto others…” is a guideline we should all follow.  Think of the conflict and tragedy that could have been avoided if people simply applied the Golden Rule in all their relationships.  If we make this a habit, then we will find a lot more success in life.  Respecting people of all races and beliefs is a hallmark of living life to the fullest.

11.  Practice good hygiene.

You really can dress for success!  Habits like brushing your teeth twice a day and washing your hands regularly not only contribute to health, but also lead to routines that give one a sharper appearance.  First impressions are powerful and are mostly derived from the way a person looks.  Like it or not this is true.  Start today to ensure you do what it takes to leave a lasting good impression.

12.  Always tell the truth!

The truth often comes out whether we want it to or not.  Lying generally just complicates the situation and makes us look bad.  Look at the scandals many of our politicians fall into because they fail to admit the truth.  It is much better to just develop the habit of telling the truth even when it is difficult.  This will save you a lot of heartache and misery in life.

13.  Ask for what you want.

Develop the habit of asking for what you want.  How else are you going to get it?  It is really that simple.  Often, when I ask, I am amazed at how quickly I get exactly what I wanted.  Just give this one a try.  If you are a parent, teach your children to ask others for what they want.  This is truly a behavior you want to come naturally.  It will build confidence and self-esteem that will serve your kids forever!

14.  Be a regular reader.

Being a good reader is a skill that often separates the good students from those that struggle.  Becoming a good reader takes practice.  The more you read and are read to, the better you get.  Reading has numerous benefits.  It builds one’s vocabulary, expands the imagination, and rekindles creativity.  Make reading a routine!

15.  Be punctual.

Arriving on time is important to one’s success.  People always notice when you are late.  It is an indicator of whether you mean what you say and can be trusted.  Do not introduce doubt about this into people’s minds by showing up later than expected.  Create the habit of being punctual now and you won’t have to worry.

16.  Respect authority.

Failure to respect those in authority positions can lead to all kinds of problems in life.  It doesn’t matter whether it is your boss, a police officer, or a university dean.  People in authority have a job to do and often worked hard to get into the position they are in.  They deserve to be treated with proper manners and reverence.  Learning to say, “Yes ma’am” and “Yes sir” will get you noticed in a positive way.

17.  Tend to your spiritual needs.

We cannot ignore our spiritual needs and truly live a full and rewarding life.  We must recognize that there is a higher power and pursue our faith regularly.  We may not exercise our beliefs in exactly the same way, but I encourage you to find what works for you and explore it to it’s depths.  A solid spiritual life will serve you well.

taken from :